Our Vision.

Why do we exist?

Culnady and Swatragh Presbyterian Churches exist to glorify God the Father, to proclaim Christ Jesus to be the only means of eternal redemption and eternal life, and to see the Holy Spirit transforming dead lives, into disciples fit to serve in Christ's kingdom.

What are our standards?

As a Presbyterian Church our supreme standard is the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is the Word of God Inspired, Infallible and Inerrant.

We furthermore believe in, and subscribe to the Westminster Standards as the confession of what the Church should teach. The Westminster shorter and larger Catechism's are also the sub-ordinate standards of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. These documents are a comprehensive and thoroughly Biblical blueprint, setting forth what Presbyterians believe.

What is our job?

Our job as an integral part of the Church of God is to act in unison as part of God's covenant (promised) family. We believe that being a disciple (committed follower) of Jesus Christ is life long preparation for an eternity with the Saviour. Therefore, the Gospel (Good News) is central to everything that we do as a Church and as believing individuals.

What should it mean to you?

Salvation and eternal life is found only in Jesus Christ. Christ's death on the cross brings to those who repent (turn around), pardon for their sin, and an everlasting home prepared for them. Therefore, this message is the foundation of everything that we do as a church.

The Kirk Session (leadership) of both congregations seek to have a Bible believing and practicing fellowship, where all ages are welcome to come and hear this life transforming message.

As it's teaching elder (minister) I invite you to come and see what the Gospel looks like in our congregations and to measure it against God's word. We are not perfect, because no one is, but you are welcome in any of our services or other activities.

God's word reminds us,

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death."
(Romans 8: verses 1-2)

Yours in Christ.
